How’s about some rainy weather knitting?

P is for Pig is up on Etsy and on Ravelry. Early adopters should buy on Ravelry, of course. As far as construction, this is pretty typical of the Alphabet Animals so if you’ve made any of my other creatures, you’ll have no trouble.
The recommended yarn for this guy is unique: Cassie at Farm Genevieve has created the the perfect yarn for this little piggy! Not only is it hand dyed and then spun into a great bouncy yarn, but the wool selected comes from a small flock of Jacob sheep, a critically endangered breed. This particular flock is a carrier for Tay Sachs disease (a genetic anomaly fatal to both humans and sheep at a very early age) and is working with scientists find a vaccine to help save both human and sheepy lives. You can find out more about Tay Sachs and Jacob sheep with a little Googling.
For those of you following along: Isaac is still a tropical storm so we are expecting persistent (but not crazy) wind and rain. We are in the extreme East of the hurricane warning and an hour north of the coast. Update: 10:21am No more hurricane warning, we’re downgraded to a tropical storm warning.