Do it for the FREE STICKERS!
Do it for the FREE STICKERS!
When you are faced with that empty ballot, maybe take a deep breath and find some peace.
I always think about all those “I Voted” stickers on Susan B. Anthony’s headstone. Ellie and I are 19th Amendment people. Her bedroom window is loaded with “I Voted” stickers.
Then I think about the woman who were kept from practicing their constitutional right to vote for another 40 years after the 19th Amendment passed.
Then I mark my ballot.
PS Don’t forget to flip your ballot over and check the back! Alabama has 14 amendments back there. Edited to Add: Baldwin county has five more that I wasn’t ready for! Also, (like in New York) no ballot selfies allowed in Alabama!
PPS Edited again to add: Selvage has an interesting article about prison embroidery by suffragettes.
PPPS One more: Susan B. Anthony’s cemetery is open late tonight to accommodate the steady crowd of visitors.