granny’s sock #1

In spite of Great Gran borrowing the sock this morning to show her friends (She is trying to get them interested in knitting socks – so far they just do scarves. Hence Great Gran’s scarf fever. With that much novelty yarn in one room, who wouldn’t catch it?), I’ve finished Christmas Sock Number 1.

sock on a table

And the crowd goes wild!

But we all know that one sock is only half the battle. With one sock all you have is a sock puppet.

sock puppet!

While a sock puppet could be a Christmas present for a six year old who wants to learn ventriloquism, it is not a very good present for a Granny. This makes Christmas Sock Number 2 a MUST.

Great Gran’s ribbon yarn still isn’t here. She says she can finish the second sleeve of the Gatsby Cardigan tonight. I’ll should be able to steam and seam it up tomorrow. Then she gets to make the band which goes aaaaaall the way around. I’m serious. You start at the shoulder and pick up down the front around the bottom up the front around the neck and back to the shoulder. It’ll take half an hour to knit one round! No wonder she’s wishing for the ribbon yarn.

6 thoughts on “granny’s sock #1

  1. amy

    What a beautiful sock. And when you make it like a puppet, darn cute. But yes, thinking Granny would appreciate the other one too 😉

  2. Laurin

    Adorable! Your sock puppet is the cutest thing. I wish I thought of things like that when I was taking pictures! Thanks so much for the comment -The needles are Clover bamboo and yes, I have snapped one (thank god they come in packs of 5) but they are super soft on your hands.

  3. donna

    Nice wavy sock! I know how you feel about making the second sock – I’m trying quickly to finish sock #2 for my daughter’s christmas present. Btw, pretty christmas tree in your last post! Happy holidays!

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