House Guest

We’ve got a couple of house guests for July. One is tiny.


Dad found this baby out at the Farm no mom or siblings anywhere in sight (he watched for a while). So here she is. Five weeks old is just so tiny. She is negative for all the cat viruses, can have shots in three weeks, and I think she can be spayed when she weighs 4 pounds (I’ll check that our vet will do that). After that, she’ll be looking for a home if anyone is looking for a kitten.

Our other house guest is Great Gran’s cat, Dinah. I’ve opted to put her upstairs this year instead of in the office with Michael. She seems much more relaxed (even with Betty sticking her paws under the door). Dinah hates Michael with flaming passion.

8 thoughts on “House Guest

  1. Nicole

    TOTALLY adorable… she looks like she’ll fit in right well in the weeks to come. thanks for taking her in 🙂

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