I <3 KT

I love KT! (I didn’t take any pictures because it was dark in the restaurant but I promise I’ll do better tomorrow.)

She’s funny. And we’re leaving at 7 in the morning. This is really 6 for me. Yarn is totally worth it.

For a quick sock update, the sock looked like this on the plane leaving Atlanta:



But when we got to the hotel, I noticed this:


Can you see it? One of these cables is not like the others.

And the funny thing is…it’s only on one side.

These are the basic cabled socks. More later. Very sleepy. So very sleepy.

PS: I used M’s iBook and Bluetooth phone to blog from the airport.

5 thoughts on “I <3 KT

  1. Katie

    Sounds like you’re having a blast! Can’t wait for pics! =)

    About the cable–perhaps “so very sleepy” might be a clue? Hmm…very strange…

  2. katie

    What a smartypants you are! I’m impressed with your mobile blogging. And I love your sock, even if one of the cables is a wee bit off.

    Have a great time at MS&W!

  3. Teyani

    what a cool phone to be able to blog on the road.. I am totally impressed with those techno-skills of yours!
    As for the cable… errr… well, the yarn looks wonderful with that pattern… did you end up ripping?

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