ATL Knitting


I got about an inch of the cuff done in the half hour it takes to go from Pensacola to Atlanta. It’s loud and there’s lots of people…and we have 2 hours to kill, so we’re going to go look for lunch.

I’m so very sleepy.

8 thoughts on “ATL Knitting

  1. katie

    Atlanta is a crazy airport. Did you have to ride one of the trains? The first time I saw those, my jaw dropped.

    Have a great weekend!!!

  2. KT

    I hope you sleep while you are on tha plane, because once I get you in my sights NO SLEEPING.

  3. Becky

    Oh EM! You are blogging along the way! So cool. I can almost feel like I’m there with ya! Keep the entries coming! You look cool knitting in the airport! Did they try and take away your pointy sticks? GRIN

  4. Lene

    Woohooo airplane knitting! Ive only knitted to and from the faroe islands…

    Will you share your experience later? Ive heard so many different reactions from other passengers on people knitting… but I cant fly for 14 hours without knitting!

    I want to see the haystack socks 🙂 Just put them in the scanner, if they do not want to be photograped! When they dont what the good method, they must suffer the bad one.

    I feel so jealous about your travel to the wool festival – we do not know such things in Europe (Though, there is an annual one in the UK I think…). Plus you get to meet bloggers! 🙂

    Have a nice day


  5. Laura

    Oh that silly cable. After I made my basic cable socks (are you copying me again or what?) I checked and checked because I couldn’t believe that somewhere on one of those socks I didn’t miss a cable. Nope. Apparently I did not miss a cable. And I seriously would not rip back to correct it. I’m such a rebel. heh

    Keep blogging – I love seeing every step you take like this!!! 🙂

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