Room to grow! Three Cheers!
Most baby clothing designers seem to think that babies are short and fat. Mine isn’t. As a result, it was kind of tricky to decide what size to make. I finally elected to make the three month size with what basically amounts to the 6 month length. Despite frequent panic attacks about whether or not it would fit by the time the thing was finished, it turns out that I was spot on and she will get a fair amount of wear out of this. Yay!

Sans sleeves.

Cables everywhere! I love cables.

The shoulder buttons are so sweet. And moist.
The moral of this story is: the Cable and Lace All-in-One from Baby Knits (Lois Daykin) is super cute but not in any way a quick baby knit. I would recommend it as a pre-baby knit rather than a post baby knit – unless you have a good grasp of how quickly and in what direction your baby is growing. Or don’t plan to make it for your personal baby.
So what’s next? Since we are in what is know as the Summer around these parts, there won’t be any garment knitting until September (socks don’t count). I’ve got several small projects, ConterPain Squares, that tree skirt and Dish Rag Tag: the Sequel to keep me busy. I have given a lot of thought to ways to improve the Race and make it even more fun, more competitive and more inclusive than last year. Ways that don’t involve me (or any one else) knitting hundreds of starter dish rags. Excited? Stay tuned!
Not enough Ellie? There are more pictures from this modeling session on flickr.