Tag Archives: BARC


This is Ted.


Hi, Ted!

We found him where we find most of our foster dogs: on his way down the dirt road to the Farm. The end of that road is a prime “drop off” spot for unwanted pets. This makes me want to write a post about how much people suck. A post about why we lend the support we are able to the Humane Society (local and national) over other charitable organizations. But that post requires more swear words than I officially admit to knowing and more rage than I have time. Besides, you can’t have a rant like that next to pictures of a dog as cute as Ted.


Michael is included for scale.

We are still officially in Locate The Owner mode, but no one is looking. I’ll let you know when we make the jump to Finding a Forever Home. In the mean time: he’s clean, vaccinated, well exercised, full of treats and has had lots of hugs and kisses.


Ted is doing quite well, thank you.