Tag Archives: books

The Help

Has anybody read The Help by Kathryn Stockett? I’m reading it now, and I haven’t seen the movie (book first always).

I put the TV in the fireplace!  I usually move the fireplace screen when we're watching...

I put the TV in the fireplace! I usually move the fireplace screen when we’re watching…

I’m getting really nervous that this book is not going to end well. Because Mississippi and Civil Rights and Medger Evers just got shot and so I’m feeling a little panicky about the safety of these women.

Just had to get that out there.

I finished the hat and then mailed it before I took a picture.

Edited to add: I just this minute finished and I’m glad I kept reading. I am grateful to the author for letting her story end well – not happily, just well. That’s not a spoiler – it’s just encouragement for when you start to get nervous about bravery. 10-5-2016

Experience Level

Current events are discouraging, disheartening, frustrating.

I’ve turned to fiction for happy endings and characters with empathy.

This was a good read.

Yup. That’s a cat on the kitchen table. I moved her before she got in my coffee.

I’ve added that one to Ellie’s future reading list.

I’ve been pre-reading loads of “middle grade” fiction lately since Ellie has hit an interest-level/reading-level conflict (meaning: her reading level is higher than the books written for her eight-year-old interest level). It’s becoming difficult to find material that challenges her reading skills (because sometimes you need a challenge and not another book about fairies) without challenging her experience.

My Rule of Thumb for Picking Books for an 8 Year Old (based on anecdotal evidence not science)
If the main character is 11, it’s almost always OK about Age Appropriate Topics and Situations.
If the main character is 13, it might be OK.
If the main character is older than 13, forget it. That doesn’t mean it’s not a good book. It’s just not a good book for the moment.


I don’t know where I saw this one mentioned, but I hope the rest of it is as good as the introduction.

My Family and Other Animals

My Family and Other Animals

Ellie just finished Junonia (Kevin Henkes). Her current reader is the first of the Down Girl and Sit series. It’s short but really funny – the cat calls himself “Here Kitty Kitty” and the names on the dog houses are “Dot” and “Happy” – we’ll be finished with it by the end of the week. We’re reading The Last of the Really Great Wangdoodles (Julie Andrews Edwards) at bedtime. Michael is reading through The Dark Tower series. He never finished it which I can hardly believe. Everything but The Gunslinger was checked out from the library. We check out an embarrassment of books each week.

My upgraded library card didn’t stop me from signing up for Scholastic’s Readers Club as a homeschool teacher. Did you know about this? You can get the same benefits, points, and rewards as classroom teachers! They also send you those paper flyers like kids bring home from school.

unpacking the scholastic book box

Scholastic boxes smell good inside.

We have a little bit of a book problem. It can easily be fixed with more bookcases…