Looks like there is a lot of work to be done.
Tag Archives: election
Y’all go vote.
Suffrage (maybe the most political you’ll ever see me)
When you are faced with that empty ballot, maybe take a deep breath and find some peace.
I always think about all those “I Voted” stickers on Susan B. Anthony’s headstone. Ellie and I are 19th Amendment people. Her bedroom window is loaded with “I Voted” stickers.
Then I think about the woman who were kept from practicing their constitutional right to vote for another 40 years after the 19th Amendment passed.
Then I mark my ballot.
PS Don’t forget to flip your ballot over and check the back! Alabama has 14 amendments back there. Edited to Add: Baldwin county has five more that I wasn’t ready for! Also, (like in New York) no ballot selfies allowed in Alabama!
PPS Edited again to add: Selvage has an interesting article about prison embroidery by suffragettes.
PPPS One more: Susan B. Anthony’s cemetery is open late tonight to accommodate the steady crowd of visitors.
Oh, Canada. I love you, too.
Anybody else having a fun time explaining to their 8yo daughter why she can’t watch the second Presidential debate tonight?
Alabama’s voter registration deadline is October 24.
And you can register online.
Just putting that out there.