I’m still plugging away at Christmas orders, but in non-knitting news, I’ve been trying something new.
At Ellie’s new pre-school, the kids eat school provided lunch before they are picked up at noon. We were picking Ellie up before that since we ‘eat weird’ for this neck of the woods but she really really really wanted to eat lunch with her friends. So I bought a couple little lock-top containers and started packing her lunches in lazy bento fashion. This has been a little bit of a challenge since there is not a lot Ellie eats at this phase of her development (if it’s green or obviously grown in the ground, Ellie has ethical objections).

Friday’s Lunch
She’s got graham crackers with peanut butter in the middle, a laughing cow cheese wedge, veggie straws (just two green ones), a couple Oreos and prepackaged applesauce from our hurricane supplies. The real cute is in her little bento bag.

Pink AND a cat!
The unexpected side effect of Ellie’s little lunchables is that three days a week Michael and I can eat grown up lunch.

Curry couscous with corn, black beans, seitan and carrots.
There’s actually nothing in there that Ellie doesn’t like (except carrots) but there is nothing in there that Ellie will eat (except the seitan).
Ellie said her lunch was “yummers” and ate everything except the cookie part of the Oreos (???). Ours was yummers too and we ate it ALL.