Our social calendar generally has one or two events each week. If anyone feels that is sparse, this week should make you feel better about our “sociability*”: three separate friend visits (one is happening right now), a field trip with our homeschool group, Christmas Parade! (Girl Scouts), homeschool play group, and a birthday party.

Making the decorations for the side of the float. We thought it might be a World Record.
And a complete week of school work.

To carry or not to carry. That is the question.
I’m worn out.
*The lack of “socialization” is one of the biggest homeschool myths I’ve ever heard. A) Does every adult you know work/live/exist in an environment populated by people grouped by the sole virtue of their date of birth? B) If mainstream schools were better at socialization, they wouldn’t have to work as hard on anti-bullying programs. C) “Socialization” doesn’t mean what most people think it means.