So much has happened since we last spoke! I have been painting book cases.

This is actually knitting content: see the little red hat thing I’m wearing? I made that. It is out of leftover red sweater for Mom (Cotton Fleece) and Great Gran made the crochet ties for me. Just so you know, Satin Hands gets paint off my fingers like a champ (YMMV). My hands are soft and ready to knit to boot.
“Knit what?” you say. Why the front of the fluffy sweater, of course! I finished the back last night (Monday night is almost the weekend) and cast on about half of the stitiches for the front. I was tempted to reward myself with a tiny little MustHave swatch, but exerted my will-power and ate three cookies instead.
Other events of note:
My books came (joy!). Weekend Knitting in particular is Just Scrumptious! And I love the idea about having a Visiting Knitters basket. I am going to keep my eye out for the perfect container as I unpack all of our junk. They were also addressed to my business name: “Yarn Miracle.” Teehee.
The heater broke downstairs at the Farm last Thursday and it has been FRIGID! The heating guy couldn’t get the part until today, so after we had been chilly for a couple days, he came out and super-glued it together.
We have two kitties! They got here today and are spending the night in the garage (they have an appointment with the vet tomorrow). They are sisters who will be our outdoor kitties here in town. We’ve got a pretty big yard for them to run around in. I’ve named them Betty and Judy – you know, after the sisters in White Christmas. We are spending the night here (in town on the sofa bed) in case they are sad.
Nice little red hat thing. I’m so excited to see the finished Fuzzy Sweater. Hope the kitties are doing great!
On a second inspection… It looks warm there… Its -40 below celcius here and I’m so cold that its work to even pick up my knitting needles. Oh I hope summer comes along soon!