I’ve been knitblog surfing and reading about the adventures atStitches. By far my favorite account is Rachael’s. It’s loaded with pictures of famous people!
Daily Archives: February 23, 2004
rain rain

Rain, rain go away.
I was going to show you a nice picture of our swamp of a yard, but it seems that I have let the camera battery go dead. Ah, well.
Sunday was bee-u-ti-ful: sunny and breezy and warmish. But today, monsoon season started when I walked out the door to go to work. Winter’s not over yet. I may have a chance to wear the MustHave after all! I don’t think I am losing steam in it’s production, I am just distacted by all of the spring and summer posibilities (and all of the new yarns I will have to order to make the spring and summer possibilities). I think the first thing on my list is the Vintage Knits short-sleeved, striped sweater. I have been drooling over the picture waaay too long! Then maybe that little cardigan set in the new Interweave (take a look at the free pattern for the Blue Sky Organic Cotton Tank while you’re over there). And then…well, I really shouldn’t get to far ahead of myself. But I think another cotton sweater vest for M is also in the queue. He’s so cute in vests.
The pattern for Mercury came today. It looks like it will be a lot of fun to make. This counts as a small project so I am allowed to make it while I am working on the MustHave. Now I just have to pick the colors: I am thinking something bright (read: fun) but serviceable (read: won’t show dirt). So grey and pink, or brown and green, or olive and orange. I just don’t know! Suggestions are very welcome.
I am now off to work on the MustHave! I have been having a little trouble knitting at home lately. But Betty is having her afternoon nap in the middle of the bed, so if I go very very quitely into the den and very very quietly get out my knitting. . .maybe she won’t notice what is going on. . .