Since I was in the yard with the camera, here are some petunias and one of the lilies that Gran-mother planted ages ago.
Daily Archives: May 16, 2004
one down
I am pleased to announce the completion of Graduation Sock #1.

The only trouble is that now it’s Sunday night and I still have 3/4 of a sock to go. I feel sure that if I can just get to the heel tonight, I can finish by 7pmish Tuesday. That sounds realistic don’cha think? I hope there is something interesting to watch on TV or I’ll be snoozing in the middle of a round for sure!
Here is some non-knititng content I simply must share:
In my yard I have these spikey, viney, icky plants that grow straight up into the trees (or tree-sized camellia bushes) and then branch into leafy tree things of their own at the top. I don’t know for sure what these are but if the thorns break off in your elbow your whole arm will hurt for days. They grow out of these bulby-rhizome-tubery things that are usually between golf ball and tennis ball size. I’ve been digging them up to get rid of them. The other day I found one larger than a baking potato and was really impressed. Really impressed until yesterday. When I dug up this. That is all one bulby-rhizome-tubery thing. I had wrapped right around the trunk of one of the camellias. We bent my little shovel and totally broke the big shovel getting it out. The whole time I was prying at the thing I was thinking about that episode of the X-Files where the giant mushroom sucks people in and makes them hallucinate while it digests them. Ew.