I love the medal ceremonies. There is something about watching the guy from wherever who just won the gold in whatever listen to his national anthem and watch his flag get raised higher than all the others. He gets all teary. Sometimes he’s singing. You can see him actually get bigger as he thinks “I did that.” The little girl who won for fencing today made it halfway through “The Star Spangeled Banner” before it hit her. Patriotism rocks.
Daily Archives: August 17, 2004
I love the Olympics. I watch more sports during these 16 days than in the interim two years combined. I am an absolute sucker for International Competition. The sheer variety of sport overwhelms me! I watch things like Air Pistol, for crying out loud. I love that ping pong (excuse me, table tennis) is an Olympic sport. I love the really big guys who pick up heavy things. I could go on, but you get the idea.
finished objects
Welcome to my most image-heavy entry ever!
To begin with, here is the finished Haiti!
I’m glad that this one is finally finished. Mom pulled out the edging several times (and changed hook sizes several times) before she was happy with it. I am very happy with it – Haiti is a perfectly delicious tank.
And here is the finished Mercury:

Princess Arjumand is right inside, with room left over for the power source and the camera cable. I may never felt another thing again. My poor bag looks like it’s made out of a muppet.
Last but not least, I’ve been trying to finish up Sitcom Chic. I spent the afternoon pinning, basting and sewing the ribbons onto the front edges. And look at the lovely disaster I made.

Three guesses what my Genius Self did wrong.
I managed to get one side of the front attached to a MUCH shorter ribbon. That takes Skills, people. It gathered just beautifully. I’ll get out the seam ripper and try again tomorrow. Incidentally, that was the only shot I got of my disaster. I was going to take another but something got in my way.
Off to fix supper, work on That Sock, and watch the Olympics.