election knitting

The orange vest is finished!

back of me walking orange neck

I am watching out for puddles. It rained all day Tuesday and Wednesday and the yard is a mess.

I’ve got another one of the front of the sweater. Since that project was out of the way and blocking by Monday (with more leftover yarn than I expected), I started on the Everyday Cardigan. I’ve been working on one of the fronts today. I did have to rip out once becasue I was reading and forgot to switch to larger needles after the ribbing. Duh.

cardigan front

I finished the back yesterday during the President’s speech. Three cheers for Election Knitting.*

I am really enjoying the texture of Peace Fleece: it’s scratchy, has a tight twist and smells like sheep. It is a classic – I am pretty sure that Miss Marple knit with Peace Fleece. I also love the color. My only real complaint is about the tiny sticks and leaves that are all in the yarn! Dumb yarn gave me a splinter (grumble). Now I knit with Caution. The sticks and leaves do add a certain ambiance: I’m feeling all rustic and hard core. Knitter’s Review has a more in depth review of Peace Fleece here.

If anyone is looking for a “My First Cardigan Pattern,” the The Everyday Cardigan is a good choice. It’s a nice simple pattern with shaping on the sleeves (none on the body) that makes a blocky, snuggy cardigan that you can wear all the time.

*Wasn’t Wolf Blitzer’s Giant Clock a scream? And why wouldn’t they let poor, old Larry King go home? Let’s not even mention that Dan Rather seems to have become Completely Unhinged from the whole Election Experience. Does anybody understand the one about side pockets and handguns?

3 thoughts on “election knitting

  1. Cindy

    I am really enjoying your vest projects. My next project will be one also and yours are wonderful.

    It looks like you are walking and talking with Angus. Cute

  2. Traci

    Great Vest. I really like the color. Also, thank you for keeping this a knitting blog, not making it a political blog. I read knitting blogs to get ideas and inspiration about knitting.:)

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