Michael’s sister, Jennifer, has been visiting us this week. She decided that a Fun Thing to Do would be making a sweater. This just warms my heart. The trick is, she only knows how to knit (we worked on a scarf which was magicaly transformed into coasters the last time she came to visit) and I was worried that the combination of a big project and learning to purl (tension problems) might be too much at one time. Luckily, in the bookstore I discovered Vogue Knitting on the Go: Beginner Basics. There’s a garter stitch pullover in there that is actually pretty cute. There isn’t even any shaping! Which is makes it unintimidating. Jennifer picked out a varigated yarn and we borrowed a solid blue from Great Gran’s Leftover Yarn Collection for the cast on edges.

The blue stripe on the bottom adds a little style.
I’ve been impressed with how much she’s remembered fromt he last attempt. She’s even talking about knitting at school. I’m so proud.
Jennifer also thought that a scarf for a friend’s birthday might be fun. She picked out this eye-popping, lime green, fuzzy stuff saying: “My friend likes bright colors.” She made it to about 5 inches before realizing that things weren’t moving fast enough (she needed it Thursday).

It’s finished now. Novelty yarn is fun, on occasion.
In personal knitting, the brown sweater is at 14 inches – onle three to go before exciting things start to happen. I finished the last of the Davis Girls sweaters.

A white one for Elizabeth and a striped one for me are all that remain. And then what will I make with all the leftovers? That Red Heart comes in Simply Enormous Amounts.
PS Dinah is visiting for a few days. She is on top of the refrigerator and won’t let anyone get anything out of it. I guess we’ll be eating fast food today. Gotta love those Egg McMuffins.