I fogot! The new Interweave came yesterday. There are a couple things I think M would like, but nothing that stands out for me. Caplets, ponchos and wrap-arounds just aren’t my thing.
Daily Archives: February 17, 2005
Envelope Special
Little sweater number two!

Don’t get upset about the green towel. It’s so old, I’m impressed it’s still green.
So there’s just one more to go…no wait – THREE more. The green one for the other Davis, a leftover-stripes one for Josephina, (I can’t not make one for me!) and then a white one (prehaps with purple daisies) for Elizabeth.* I’ve typed up the Emily Ivey Envelope Special for public consumption. You can find it here. I did it as an html page instead of a pdf like my other free patterns, so it isn’t nearly as professional-looking. I emailed the creator of the original, but the address attached to the pattern no longer works. If anybody knows her and she is unhappy that I posted changes, tell me so I can take them down.
Now that I’ve made a couple of successful doll sweater patterns, I think I might be ready to try a sweater for a person. Might is only maybe, so don’t hold your breath.
I also knit up some little American Girl socks one evening this week.

They don’t take any time at all to do and just a smidge of yarn. The pattern is by Judy Gibson. She’s also got a wonderful variation for a lacy knee sock.
I swear to you that I’ve been working on that brown sweater. Just not very hard.
*Elizabeth has both Samantha and Felicity. She spent/spends a lot of her time being ill in various ways, so while she was little, Great Gran would send her something from Samantha’s or Felicity’s collections every now and then. They always came UPS, so when we’d be out driving around and she would see a UPS truck, she would get excited and say: “They found me!” There is a bunch of new stuff for Samantha these days (since Elizabeth got older and stopped getting doll treats in the mail), I sent her over to the website for a look. She says she wants it ALL.