Here is Michael modeling his finished Brown Sweater.

I wonder what he’s thinking about.
If I had to do it again, I would use the same yarn (1824 Wool) but smaller needles. Although I have the right gauge for the pattern, the finished fabric is a little loose and stretchy for my taste. I also think the neck band is too wide (upon examination, it does look like the one in the pattern). Michael likes it a lot – he doesn’t seem to feel like he’s wearing an afghan. The pattern (Designs by Judith: Multiple Choice, Drop Shoulder Pullovers for Men) is in multiple gauges, so if I had wanted to use smaller needles, I certainly could have. But it’s finished. And he’s happy. So I’ve got that.
I should be working on the Denim sweater, but the company that sold me the yarn sent two different dye lots. This is a pretty big mistake for a yarn store. So I called them to fix the situation. While I was talking to them, I realized they had no idea what they were doing:
Them: So what do you want us to do?
Me: I would like you to send me send me one more ball of 05 and I will send you back this 04.
Them: Let me put you on hold while I check to see if we’ve got that.
Me (singing along): I’m on the top of the world lookin’ down on creation…
Them: I’ve got lots of 108 but no 05s or 04s. But we’re expecting a shipment soon.
Me: 108 is the color number. The number after that is the lot number.
Them: Oh. Well, all I have listed is the 108.
What I should have done is make her go back and check the stupid lot numbers. Instead, I have mailed the whole mess back and they are sending me some new. With any luck the numbers will match.
Which means I need another project. If you will recall, my first attempt at Remembering Honey (Interweave, Spring 2003) was sabotaged by unstable dye. The manufacturers sent me some new yarn in a different color and it has been in the chest for a while. I’ve pulled it out and swatched. I remember why it has been in the chest. The swatch that comes out half a stitch too small is a much better looking fabric than the one that comes out correctly. My choices are: A) Make it in too small a gauge and have it Just Fit or B) Make it in the proper gauge and get the Loose Knitting Willies every time I wear it. I opted for A the first time around, but this time I think I might go with B. I am starting with a sleeve to be sure I can stand it. As we all know, a sleeve takes less time to rip out.
I almost forgot, as par for the course, the aforementioned yarn company claims that Tomato Red Kool Wool has been discontinued. It’s still available on Lion Brand’s website so I can only assume that said yarn company is Crazy. I’ve got to find yet another place to order the dumb stuff. With luck, I will be able to get it somewhere other than their on-line store where it costs $4.99 a skein! RATS.
Lovely! The sweater looks great on him and, more importantly, he likes it.
What shop has such terrible service? It’s frightening that the person didn’t know about dye lots. Dorks.
That brown sweater looks great on him just the way it is. I love the Remembering Honey sweater, it’s been on my list for a while now. Can’t wait to see how you like working it.
All that matters is he likes it, and it looks great on him. I like the stripes a lot. Maybe if it’s spun in the dryer a couple of times it’ll shrink a bit (but then it may felt as well…)
Have you tried Joann’s online store? They may have some Kool Wool…
I love the brown striped sweater! It looks great!