Doesn’t it make you feel all warm and toasty? Oh wait. That’s because IT’S MAY. At least he has something to look forward to.
I’ve been really busy lately with all the other things I do besides knitting. I know you feel betrayed, but it’s better you found out from me instead of from some stranger on the street. Yes, I have a life outside of yarn. Some days it makes me want to cry. Most days it just makes me want to buy more yarn. I have made a little progress on Honey’s back side.

This thing is so pretty, but I am having a terrible time figuring out what I am going to wear with it!
Again, I’m sorry for the lack of posts. Let me make it up to you with pictures of all the animals in one place! They were all together when we found them both times, but M had to hold them still while I went to get the camera. Here they are on the rug (I say that like we only have one!) and in the doghouse. We brought the doghouse in from the garage because Angus has started to lay under things. Under things like my bedside table – when he gets up he knocks everyting over. My lamp can’t take much more of this so we thought we’d give the doghouse a shot. The above picture is about the only time he has been in the doghouse, but the cats love it. He knocked the lamp over again this morning. Maybe if I moved the doghouse over and used it as a bedside table…
The scarf (and the picture) are out of this world beautiful!! Very professional.
The critter pics are great too, thanks for sharing, I always love seeing knitter’s kidz 🙂
Great Scarf! I love that pattern. Can’t wait to see your finished ” Honey”.
Great Scarf! I love that pattern. Can’t wait to see your finished ” Honey”.