rainy day knitting

I found my needles about ten minutes after we got here.

great gran has my needles!

I forgot that Great Gran STILL hadn’t finished that Gatsby sweater she started last winter. She had pulled it out as part of her Bazaar Knitting.* She was planning to finish it and give it to the church to sell as part of the fundraiser. I nearly had a heart attack:

E: “But that’s good yarn! They won’t get back the amount of money you spent on just the yarn!”
G: “I’ll never wear it. It’s too bulky. I may as well give it to the church.”
E (pitifully): “But that’s really expensive yarn…”

Now I am the proud owner of (roughly) eight skeins of red Gatsby and Great Gran has gone to work on some plastic-canvas picture holders. Dinah is helping by keeping the box lid from blowing away. At present, the Gatsby is still in cardigan form, but I plan to unravel it and add it to my stash. Great Gran has made a ton of things for the Bazaar since she’s been down here.

basket of goodies

Here we have a capelet, a belt/scarf, three pairs of baby booties and at least a dozen baby hats. Her current project is an afghan.

I retreived my #10s from the defunct cardigan. It turns out that I didn’t really need them after all: I had to go up a needle size (wierd for me) to get the gauge for Tomato. I made my swatches Wednesday evening and started the back Thursday morning. As of this moment, I have finished the back and one front.

neatly folded sweater parts

I forgot to take a picture of the parts spread out. And since I am using M’s laptop, I don’t have time to take one now – he insists on “working” most of the day.

I should be finished with the second front by this point, but I have have been reading while knitting and that slows me down. Especially when I have to back track for mistakes. Well, really just one mistake. But I didn’t notice it until I got to the neck and had the wrong number of stitches. The book underneath Tomato is called Path of the Paddle. It’s all about canoeing techniques (which you could probably figure out from the title) and is quite good. We didn’t bring the canoe with us this time. This turned out to be a Good Decision; it’s rained for Two Solid Days. Good weather for knitting. As long as you don’t mind damp yarn.

*The sanctuary of the First United Methodist Church of Bay Minette received substantial roof damage and consequently a lot of water damage during Ivan. When they were inspecting the Ivan damage, they found substantial termite damage as well. The water heater also broke and caused a substantial ceiling collapse. They are going to have to take down the entire building and build a new one. Hence fundraisers like a yard sale this weekend and the Bazaar that will be held in October.

2 thoughts on “rainy day knitting

  1. MJ

    Good for you for “saving” the yarn! It may have been the bulkiness that Great Gran didn’t like (and it would’ve been heavy as her work progressed). With the amount of baby items she’s knitted, it seems that she likes smaller, lighter projects. Hm?

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