I seamed Elspeth, tried her on (she fits, but looks weird, thus no pictures) and packed her up to mail to Mom.

After my visit to the post office, I started work on the The Fund Raiser Scarf and Hat. I developed a Prototype Scarf fairly quickly.

It wasn’t far to a completed Prototype Hat.

Before you get too excited about the speed of development of these items, just remember that there are only so many ways to decrease the top of a hat.
When I placed the order with Knit Picks (seriously have you seen their prices?) I had yet to put three cables in the scarf. So now I’m all worried that I didn’t get enough yarn. I am going to work around this little difficulty by making the hat first, reviewing my yarn supply and determining if I should make the scarf with just two cables. Knitting is always an adventure!
All that work and no Elspeth pictures? Have your mom take a picture in it and post that!
The scarf and the hat look great!