Last night Lucy managed to get into the attic storage space and from there, under the floor. I heard her crying from downstairs (she is LOUD). In a panic (with visions of calling Frank the Contractor to come and rip up the floor in the middle of the night), I moved boxes and ripped out insulation to see how to get her out. I finally got a flashlight and got her to follow the light out (crying the entire time). I still can’t figure out how she got in there. If the cats have learned to work doorknobs, we’re in Serious Trouble. Also, insulation is itchy and bad for one’s lungs.
Daily Archives: January 5, 2006
the stash
Betty! The stash is not for napping!
a good day for yarn
I found my camera thingy! It’s a good thing, not just because it’s Special and I would have had to order from the guys who made the camera, but also because it’s a Banner Day for knitting and I have LOTS of pictures.
First: I am part of a tiny sock swap (an Intimate Sock Swap if you will) called “Bloomin’ Feet.” Becky and Amanda have organized us and if you would like to see a list of participants (you do), the rainbow sock button in the side bar will take you there. It’s my first sock swap and I am so excited that I can’t stand it. I spent yesterday going through all my patterns.

The Sock Monkeys are more help than Betty.
I’ve narrowed it down to three that I’ll show Great Gran tonight to see what she thinks. There was never any doubt about the yarn, Cherry Tree Hill Supersock (probably solid – two of the three patterns are very textured). My Secret Socky Pal (SSP) left me plenty of decision making space and I want to make something great and soft and delicious and pretty and Worthy of my SSP’s feet. Which is why I am going with the Cherry Tree Hill it is sooo soft and a Known Quantity (I am not going to experiment with new yarns and someone else’s feet).
AND the Yarn Fairy came today:

This counts as a Yarn Miracle since she mailed it yesterday morning.
How pretty it THAT? VERY. When Becky said she was mailing me chenille, I didn’t really know what to expect, but these jewels Take the Cake. What’ll I make? I have no idea, but it will be Stunning. I do feel bad that what I mailed in return was the Infamous Pink Scarf Yarn. But, hey, Becky knew what she was getting into when she offered the trade. . .
The Yarn Fairy also brought the yarn for a project that I have been contemplating for several years. A while ago (I was a Freshman in college), Great Gran made me the cardigan in the picture below. I love this cardigan, it’s perfect: the perfect size, the perfect color, the perfect weight, washable, AND Great Gran made it for me. As a result, I have worn it to thin and pill. After I began knitting, I started thinking: “I heart this sweater and it is really getting worn and Great Gran made it for me. I should really put it away and save it for always.” But I couldn’t do it. I just love it and it goes with everything. The solution? Make a replacement. A sadly inferior replacement to be sure, but something to fill in the gap so that I can save the Great Gran Made one for the rest of my life. Here are the ingredients for Emily’s Inferior to the Original Replacement Cardigan.

Jean also sent me Alpaca Fleece Treats. Lorien rocks.
The replacement yarn is Brown Sheep Lamb’s Pride Superwash in Oats ‘n Cream. M’s brown cardigan has worn so impressively, I thought it would be a good choice. The pattern book is the original (we think). Great Gran came across it in a closet and loaned it to me. She says she thinks she combined two patterns to make it since there is a Workbasket Magazine page paperclipped inside. This is going to be an Adventure.
The Over the Knee socks are coming along.

That’s the elusive Mamie in the background. Did I mention that she hid from the house-sitter for three solid days over Christmas?
Just so you know, how the pattern says to do the decreases is Completely Wrong. That or I am Completely Illiterate. I got mad and knit a swatch to prove How Wrong it was and then made decreases in the sock where they belong. If you are wondering, the sock is being worn by a can of Chunk Pineapple (store brand – the more money you save on groceries, the more you can spend on yarn).
I also made other yarn decisions for the next three Me-Projects. I am going to try out three more of the Knit Picks yarns on them. First, Cutaway to go with my new dress (I love after-Christmas sales). I want to use Elegance in Barn Red (Huh, it’s on backorder. That’s cool. I can wait.). See how well it matches? I want to make a springy v-neck vest in the Grass Shine. The next one is the hardest: I really really want to use Ambrosia in Mulled Wine for the Veste Everest. The Creme Brulee in the stash is just too thin. But even with the Knit Picks prices, it’s going to cost $60 (Ambrosia is Baby Alpaca and Cashmere). I’m sure I’ll do it anyway…the stuff is luscious. I tried to get M to pick his next sweater but he explained that just because he’s inside on the couch because the heater in the office is broken, doesn’t mean that he is not working and can play yarn with me right now. Whatever. It does give me time to cover the models’ faces before I get him to look at patterns. If he thinks the model looks goofy, that will effect his opinion of the sweater.
Are you worn out? I am. This may be my longest entry ever! Hey, Darling Sister, do you like the Cutaway? It looks like something you’d wear…