The Yarn Aboard Radio Box came to ME!!

I hold all my yarn above my head in triumph.
This tickles me: I saw the yarn leaving Alison’s and tried to order some! Sunshine Yarns was out of “harvest” but more was promised on Valentine’s Day. The Radio Box made it here before I had a chance to order. This yarn is really pretty stuff! Not only are the colors spectacular (handpaint) but it’s awfully soft. I can’t wait to try it! But I think I’ll wait until April (can I stand it?) and use it during Project Spectrum. I think I am going to make a pair of socks each month. At the end, I will have a rainbow of socky goodness. The rest of the box held:

The post card with skiiers and balloons (HAH) is inside the bag.
Somehow I managed to not take a picture of the actual radio box. I’ll be sure to get one when it is packed and ready to go along it’s merry way. I hope that will be soon – I ordered yarn the day I found out the identity of my Box Pal. It isn’t here yet and no amount of grilling Ms. MailLady seems to help. Apparently the USPS is not omnicient. Thanks again, Alison, and may I just add: “You Rock.”
Now I have to go and unravel two rows of hat shaping. I can’t watch curling and count at the same time. Stupid counting.