Gettin’ Ready

So I’ve packed (and re-packed once we looked up what the weather was going to be like), cleanded the house, written notes for the Critter Sitter, charged my phone and now I am updating my iPod. It’s one in the morning. WAY past my bed time. WHY won’t this book hurry up and download? I am so very tired.

I finished my Haystack Socks and Michael took a dozen pictures of them. Too bad that they are all out of focus. Every one. What good is an autofocus camera I ask you? So my only illustration today is of my travel knitting:

Cherry Tree Hill Potluck

My travel knitting looks suspiciously like my Swap Socks for the SYAC AND like green socks for May. I’m multi-tasking.

I haven’t swatched yet, but I’ve got my needles and two patterns. My gauge will determine the pattern that I pick for my sock pal (Sock Pal, darling, think of it as Fate). If my gauge doesn’t match either of the patterns I am taking (please, oh, please match), I will make one up On The Fly (Get it? On the FLY? Because we are going in the plane? wahahaha What? I told you it is LATE).

Where are we going? ‘Member, I told you: The Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival! To meet KT! Woot. I’d be a lot more animated in my excitement tomorrow after there is some sleeping.

Oh, Hallelujah. The book is finished. Night y’all.

15 thoughts on “Gettin’ Ready

  1. Rachel

    Ooh, I am so envious that you get to go to MDS&W. I hope you have a safe trip, and a wonderful time at the festival. Beware of the sock yarn!

  2. Theresa

    Have a great trip.

    SYAC sock swap. Right. Gotta make those socks. Now. OK, thanks for being more diligent than I am.

  3. Carole

    Hope you have a blast! This is the first time I’ve really wishes I was going to Maryland, knowing that I’m missing out on meeting you.

  4. Crazy For Yarn

    How fun… get a vacation from home AND with knitting and yarn as the destination!! I’m so jealous!!! I know you will have a wonderful trip…can’t wait to see why you buy while there and your socks!!!

  5. Teyani

    Have a wonderful trip – your travel project looks so pretty sitting on the ledge- like an eager companion, anxiously waiting to get on the plane, saying hurry up – let’s get goin’

  6. Laura

    Oh my gosh I’m so envious that you’re going to MD!!! And you’ll see KT. Jealous. Okay, I’ll say it. I’m SO JEALOUS! I wanna do this next year.

  7. Leah

    In true May PS spirit, I am green with envy!!

    Have a wonderful time, and fondle lots of fiber for us all!!

  8. Irene

    I’m new to the area. I was wondering where you do your yarn shopping and if there is a place knitters like to hang out.
    your site is great.

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