Klutz has a website! With potholder loops and other “refills” for their books.
Daily Archives: July 27, 2006
Socks that Rock the Vote
When I said that I would post a winner tomorrow, what I MEANT was “I will post a winner on Thursday.” I can see how you would have been confused. Here is a picture of WH to make you feel better about the whole thing:

I had to go and get him out of the garage for this picture. The cats are all in there playing. Frankly, I just don’t see the appeal.
I’ve actually got a pretty good excuse for the delay: the dog is sick. He changed foods right before we left for camp to one that would be better for his kidneys. And HATES it. He has been on a hunger strike which (in a vicious cycle) has messed up his kidneys. Now he gets fluids four times a week, some white medicine that he hates with surprising vigor for a dog who should be weak with hunger, and his arthritis is worse. How the arthritis got dramatically worse in a week and if that has anything to do with kidneys, I don’t know. We discovered last night that he will eat chicken. He is going to have some ground turkey and brown rice for lunch and we will see how that goes. Our vet is not going to be excited about this (he feels that dog food is for dogs), but dog food is mostly poultry and rice/corn anyway.
Also, the cats have fleas (which the probably got from playing in the garage). That is easy enough to fix.
Now onto the fun part! Ruby (a progamming language that M loves almost as much as he loves WH) will give you random numbers when you ask for them! Go here to try it! Type in rand(66) and hit return. OK, it doesn’t seem to be working at the moment so you will just have to trust me. I put all of the voter comments into a folder in my email, Michael got me a random number (24), and I counted down the list until I got to the 24th email! Which, it turns out, belongs to Jenn of KnitWit Momma. Yay, Jenn! Oh wait, I just read your latest entry. Suck. Well, maybe this will help a tiny bit:

Dish rag cotton in warm and cool colors! And a handy pattern book.
It’s the perfect thing for August knitting: won’t touch your legs, isn’t itchy, and is something you don’t have to think about too much! Jenn, if you aren’t into it, I am sure your hubby will be all about knitting more for his Personal Clean Dish Cloth Supply (How cute is it that?). All this and more will be on the way to you very soon!
Thanks to everyone who helped me make up my mind! I am going to try to give the dog his medicine now. Then I will take a shower. After he has his medicine, I usually need one.