Great Gran has the best dishes.
The Wheat socks are finished and you can download the pattern here. With the new, larger Socks That Rock hanks, you shouldn’t have any trouble making socks for a 10.5″ foot that have a 7″ leg. Unfortunately, the hank I picked up for these was not one of the new, larger hanks. I had to make the toes for M’s version in an alternate color:

M liked the above picture better, I liked this one too.
Oh and ohohohoh! I am so excited! Look what I made!

I used a crochet hook and made all that myself! I am so proud. I don’t know what you’re supposed to do with all of that (shoelaces?) but maybe Great Gran will show me.
PS I realized when I was uploading the pattern for Wheat that I never added the Squall sock pattern to my patterns page. It’s there for download now.