
wheat sock in a cup

Great Gran has the best dishes.

The Wheat socks are finished and you can download the pattern here. With the new, larger Socks That Rock hanks, you shouldn’t have any trouble making socks for a 10.5″ foot that have a 7″ leg. Unfortunately, the hank I picked up for these was not one of the new, larger hanks. I had to make the toes for M’s version in an alternate color:

white and gold!

M liked the above picture better, I liked this one too.

Oh and ohohohoh! I am so excited! Look what I made!

crocheted strings


I used a crochet hook and made all that myself! I am so proud. I don’t know what you’re supposed to do with all of that (shoelaces?) but maybe Great Gran will show me.

PS I realized when I was uploading the pattern for Wheat that I never added the Squall sock pattern to my patterns page. It’s there for download now.

18 thoughts on “Wheat

  1. Carole

    My mother’s silver was a wheat pattern. When I was younger I thought it was too plain but I’ve come to really love it as I’ve, err, aged.

  2. erin

    I love great gran’s house. It would be so loverly to sit with great gran at the sofa and have tea with delicate china on that marble table -perfect 🙂
    The socks look good too, I’m liking the contrast toe. I really have to start a sock soon! Congratulations, Now that you can chain, you can crochet the rest of the stitch patterns too.

  3. amanda

    love the socks! i know m must be happy with them too. and thanks for sharing the pattern…looks like it is just right up mr. c’s i-want-handknit-socks-but-i’m-darn-picky alley. just sayin. and great gran’s china gorgeous. and the settee. i might need to come over for tea. i’ll bring the cookies!

  4. Teyani

    Love the socks. Cute white toes too (you’re so clever) – Great Gran’s house and china look so inviting :-)How’s about we all come to tea? I’ll bring the homemade jam for Amanda’s cookies/crumpets!
    And the crocheted string… congrats!!! Now you won’t believe how easy it is to do the “next” step of hooking your squares together. Crochet isn’t hard – it just uses more yarn than knitting.
    Way to go Emily!

  5. allena

    i like your socks! i’m off to check out the pattern. go you learning to crochet! i really love the color of your socks. i’m in total sock mood lately. they’re on my mind so i better go and get cracking.

  6. Leah

    Cute socks! And I love that sock, china, settee photo. Very appealing.

    Congrats on the crochet. You’ll be amazed what you can do with string!

  7. Karen

    Love the socks and thanks for sharing the pattern! I realy like the contrasting toes. I don’t know why I don’t do that more often on the socks I make.

    Congratulations on your string! I knew you could do it!

  8. Rachel

    Ooh, that photo of the sock in the dishes is catalogue-worthy.

    I really like the contrasting toes! Great pair of socks.

    It looks as though you and are at the exact same skill level when it comes to crochet. 🙂

  9. Jill

    Grandparents always have the coolest things. And they always know everything! You are lucky to have a Great Gram.

    My delurking mission for today is now done. ;o)

  10. elizabeth

    Thank you for making the pattern available! Your pictures look fabulous. I love the little dishes on Wheat’s pattern page. So dainty they make every day a special occasion!

  11. Rachel

    I don’t know how I missed your sock patterns before, they look delicious! Somehow this one rolled up reminds me of frosting. I hope I end up falling for this whole sock thing, I’d really like to try Squall but I think I need a few intermediate socks beforehand.

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