Wee Tiny Closed

Signups for the Wee Tiny Sock Swap are officially closed!

There are 75 swappers as of this moment (counting me and Great Gran who is working on her sock as I type this).

Look for your Wee Tiny Secret Pal’s name and address in your email on Sunday (not too early, give me all day please – 75 is a LOT of emails to send).

9 thoughts on “Wee Tiny Closed

  1. Rhonda

    Mine are ready and waiting also. I need to cast on for another pair tho. So cute! Hurray for mini socks!!

  2. Laura

    Oh my goodness, don’t we need to know our pal’s wee tiny sizes or color preferences or if they like lace or lavender or heel flap or round toe or short rows or SOMETHING before we start knitting their sock??? Oh the PRESSURE!! hehhe 🙂

  3. Ebinla

    This is the most inspired swap idea ever. I have finished my sock and absolutely giggled over its cuteness while I was turning the heel.

    Thanks also for the great pattern!

  4. Suzann

    This was really great fun. A friend asked me to make a pair in the colors of his football team (England)
    I finished two pairs, pictures on my blog. I wish we could do this every month (hint hint) So nice to have a finished project for a change 🙂

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