My Mailbox Overfloweth

I bet the mail man thinks it’s my birthday with all the wonderful boxes that have arrived this week!

For Special Swap, Lynda has sent me a Safari in a box!



The sock yarns are Jitterbug in Sahara and TOFUtsies in zebra colors (you would never know was made with chitin – the things they can’t do these days)! There is also some delicious Assam tea, a jungle print project bag (Did you make it Lynda?), a green chibi (Yay! Green!) AND some animal crackers (which tickled me to death because how cute, perfect and delicious).

Then I had this from KT!

dixie chick


It’s straight from Sock Camp in Dixie Chick (which, I am told, was one of the tribes. KT was a “Clucker.” I hope that wasn’t a secret, KT! I forgot to put the stitch markers in the picture – you’ll have to take my word for it that they are also marvelous!

To celebrate the bounty of mail, I’ve picked a yarn for the Hurricane Sock Party (which should make Christy feel a whole lot better). It’s some of the hand-dyed superwash from last summer. I’ve been hoarding it waiting for the perfect project.

very red yarn

Sailors’ Warning (the yarn formerly known as “Bushel of Strawberries”)

My Bloomin’ Feet Box is ready to mail on Monday and my cousin’s graduation socks are off to a decent start (I need to finish them by May 15).

about 2.5 inches

Second verse same as the first! Except these are in Little Bunny Foo Foo.

13 thoughts on “My Mailbox Overfloweth

  1. Tonni

    What a great theme package! Some people are just so creative… i would have never thought about a Safari in a box 🙂

    You lucky Chick… the Dixie Chick colorway was NOT on the BMFA site the last time I checked – that was when several skeins jumped into my shopping cart and I would have bought this color!

    I like your name of the red yarn better. Which pattern are you going to knit? I’ve picked out my yarn and have several patterns that are calling to me, but can’t make up my mind.

  2. KT

    Nah, no secrets here. Everyone already knows I’m a Clucker! Silly me, I forgot to get some of that color for myself!

  3. Christy

    You’re one of the few that I DON’T have to worry about! LOL. No worries. 🙂 I have some Little Bunny Foo Foo waiting to be knit up and I can’t wait to see how your socks come out.

  4. Nichole

    Wow – those are some great packages to get in the mail…love the safari theme! 🙂
    Glad to hear “little man” found a forever home!!!

  5. Sue

    You’ve been extremely busy, Emily! I’m so glad to hear that you have found a home for the puppy. That’s great news. 🙂 What a great package you received, as well. Mine is finally going out in the mail today.

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