I Can’t Keep Up!

The boxes keep coming in!

Finishing in fifth place:


Team Going the Dish-Tance!

Kim packed me some very fun goodies:


The dish rag is mitered! Or maybe it’s interlac – either way, I don’t know how to do it and that makes it magic.

The box includes some yummy Schaefer Anne (looks like a sunset), a pattern to go with it, and see the wee little sweater leaning on the yarn? I would eat it if I wasn’t afraid the key ring would break my teeth. Mamie is playing with the tissue paper as I type this.

Also finishing the race on Friday were:


The Rapid Rag Relayers!


I am writing a poem about how much I love chibis (chibii? chibies?).

Chelsea (her parents’ new cars appear to be twins – see June 28) sent me a wealth of brightly colored cotton that includes some of the self-striping Sugar n’Cream! I didn’t even know that existed until this competition and have been desperate to try some. One of the things I really enjoyed about the Rapid Rag Relayers’ box was their “Read Me” card. It’s covered with notes from each team mate, detailing the dates received and mailed. It’s like reading the box’s diary.

When I checked the mail after visiting Great Gran on Saturday night I discovered the seventh box to finish the race:


Team POST knITS! The name on the box is lost in the glare.

The POST knITS box arrived from Kate and was full of really fun things and sealed with the greatest packing tape I have ever seen:


My Mom will covet that dish rag in all its shades of pink!

I took a close up of the sweet coasters and push pins so you could get a better look: here it is. The coasters are reversible – isn’t that great material? I want a skirt out of the pink! The soap is hand made with mango and oatmeal (it smells delicious) and is named “Texas Hurricane Soap” which gave me quite a giggle. Alabama Hurricane Soap probably smells like mildew and broken pine trees.

Prizes were mailed today! Many thanks to Mom for her prize-shipping sponsorship.

Dish Rag Tag Round-Up
2…Team XDR…9/6
3…Rag Racin’…9/6
4…Lucky 13…9/6
5…Going the Dish-Tance…9/7
6…Rapid Rag Relayers…9/7
7…POST knITS…9/8

9 thoughts on “I Can’t Keep Up!

  1. Anonymous

    Okay, speaking of I can’t keep up: I haven’t been able to keep up with any of my blogs recently. But I’ve just read all of your posts from the past month and I have LOVED reading all about the Dish Rag Tag! Of course I’ve seen evidence of it all over the rest of the internet as well. Such a great idea.

    Remind me, though, about what happens with the dishrags you receive with the packages. Are they yours to keep? Fun!

  2. Rachel

    Okay, speaking of I can’t keep up: I haven’t been able to keep up with any of my blogs recently. But I’ve just read all of your posts from the past month and I have LOVED reading all about the Dish Rag Tag! Of course I’ve seen evidence of it all over the rest of the internet as well. Such a great idea.

    Remind me, though, about what happens with the dishrags you receive with the packages. Are they yours to keep? Fun!

  3. Chelsea


    I was only going to send the orange and yellow and red, but then I found the self striping AFTER I started knitting the lime and white together. It was made to be. I mean. Yeah.

  4. Anita

    Well done to the finishing teams. Keep ’em coming! Don’t slack now. You could still win the fastest turn-around Merit Award. 😉 I can’t wait to see all the boxes. It’s like watching the Olympics!

  5. Tonni

    I have not seen the self-striping sugar n’cream! Wondermous! I hate that I didn’t get signed up for this dish rag tag… it sounds like you all had a great time of it! I must know if you do it again 🙂 No such thing as too many dishrags.

  6. elise

    it’s been fun watching the results come in, makes me wish i could have participated myself (was overseas for most of the summer, making it impossible). nice job everyone.

  7. Marianne Coyne

    Hello everyone,

    I saw your link on Marcia’s blog and decided to check out another aspect of the dish rag tag. I crochet in the Knitting group with Marcia – we have fun; and it’s been exciting listening to her tell us all about the dish rag tag adventure.

    Keep having fun!


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