Round-Up With Excessive Parenthesis

I wasn’t feeling too great last week and neglected to record things about Dish Rag Tag like I should have. So now I have a problem besides the giant pile of accumulated email (I am so ashamed about that! I haven’t even written my new Special Swap Partner, Marisol!) : I know the order in which the boxes arrived (because of the way they are in the camera), but I have to use the tracking numbers to figure out the arrival dates.

The 10th box arrived (the halfway-point for the US teams) on the 12th of September:


Skanks w/Hanks!


Pretty yarn!

Arriving directly from Mandy, the Skanks’ box has a great dishrag (love the pattern), some pretty note paper (brown and pink, yum), the greatest Thanksgiving salt and pepper shakers (what a wonderful idea – I will remember that for swaps in my future) and some lovely paper for Betty to shred (she is tearing it up right now, such a helpful recycling kitty). Many thanks to Mandy!

One day later, the 11th team finished the race:


Ragtag Knitsters!

The big yellow envelope is the Lamb’s Pride color card – more on that in a later post.


The orange cotton is named “Orange Sherbet,” I would have guessed “Creamsicle.”

From Abigail who I am thrilled to have a dish rag she made to keep for myself (she already made me ten)! Also in the box is Merino sock yarn from Fleece Artist! I am beside myself! I have read so much about this company/yarn I am so excited to try it for myself – it’s got a very pretty twist and a pattern on the label (added bonus). Thank you so much, Abigail!

And then on September 15, boxes 12 and 13 finished the race!


Team 12: the Rockin’ Rag Taggers!


Ooooh! Purple Soak!

For some inexplicable reason, the yarn on the right makes me think of the bubble gum ice cream that Baskin Robins had when I was little (the color is actually “Gumdrop”). The chocolate that Sandy sent is German Black Forest Truffle (from the geniuses at Russell Stover). The lotion is destined for one of my (too many) project bags, but I think I am going to leave the file (haha it’s from Eucalan – what marketing!) by the computer. I’ll use it while pages load! Thank you so much, Sandy!


Team 13: Sweet Sixteen!


Two! Two dish cloths! Ah-ah-ah!

The blue one has a flower and is the Official Tag Dish Rag and the red one has an elephant! If you live in Alabama you know what that means. Roll Tide! Tickled me to death. And after I looked at Kim’s return address, I got to laughing even harder. (For all of this to be funny, not only do you have to know where Kim lives, but you also have to be up on your football rivalries. Seriously. This kind of thing tears families apart.) The sock fit great – and are a really clever design too. Not pictured is a card signed by the entire team (the picture looked weird). Y’all come up with the best ideas, each box brings something new and unexpected! Thank you, Kim and the whole Sweet Sixteen Team.

I’ll get my act together and generate your certificates tomorrow. But honestly, with the picture uploading issues, this post took all day to put together and I am in pajamas and ready for bed.

Michael just asked me when the pile of opened boxes on the dining room table will go away. The answer is (in case you were wondering), when all the thank you notes are written (I am halfway done). I kind of like the pile where it is. Every one who comes over looks a little confused but afraid to ask.

Dish Rag Tag Round-Up
2…Team XDR…9/6/2007
3…..Rag Racin’…9/6/2007
4…..Lucky 13…9/6/2007
5…..Going the Dish-Tance…9/7/2007
6…..Rapid Rag Relayers…9/7/2007
7…..POST knITS…9/8/2007
8…..Cotton Commandoes…9/10/2007
9…..Happy Yarn Hags…9/10/2007
10…Skanks w/Hanks…9/12/2007
11…Ragtag Knitsters…9/13/2007
12…Rockin’ Rag Taggers…9/15/2007
13…Sweet Sixteen…9/15/2007

William Henry Update: He’s got an Unhappy Eye (this is a medical term). We’ve been to the vet and he has some Prescription Goo to put in it. William Henry does not care for Prescription Goo in his eye. He tells us so loudly and at great length when we put it in there.

10 thoughts on “Round-Up With Excessive Parenthesis

  1. sonja poor

    Poor WH. Bless his heart! I know he is being well cared for. And I know he must feel bad because I’m sure he’s not really a complainer! Looks like the DRT has been a great success.

  2. Kate

    I now feel obligated to say….. WAR EAGLE! (I live in Texas but my heart belongs to my alma mater, Auburn.)
    I’m glad you’re getting lots of goodies because you totally deserve it. 🙂

  3. AllyB

    Phew, I hope you got some sleep! Thanks again for the great job you did with Dish Rag Tag. That certificate was a hoot! Give William Henry a couple of pets for me, sorry about his eye.

  4. KT

    Red Elephant dishrag indeed. Two words: Beat Bama! Anyhow (WAR EAGLE), it all looks like great fun. I am happy that people are sending you such great things! Go tigers!

  5. Susan B

    Oh. My. Gosh. You’re writing thank-you notes??? Honey, honestly – we should be writing them to YOU, we had so much fun in the swap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I say ditch the thank-you notes (I know – I know – I write them too, I can just hear mom’s voice every time I get a gift and know that I’ve got to write one – it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up, even if it is only imagined!) and get some rest, play with WH, and start munching on all that chocolate!

  6. Becky

    Hope this week goes better for you — and for William Henry! Thanks for all the updates. You have done so much hard work on this; it is good see all the goodies arriving. 🙂

  7. kathy b

    Poor poor William. Can he have some catnip?

    I LOVE the Thanksgiving Salt and Pepper set. SO wonderful. Darling. Thanks for keeping the fun updates coming. What wonderful team spirits!

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