I got all the ornaments and baked stuff together to mail to Michael’s family (the ones who aren’t coming on Christmas Day), wrapped it in wrapping paper, double checked the address and stuck it in the Jeep to mail when I went out on Wednesday. This would have given the presents four days and a Sunday to get there by Christmas Eve. Instead, I forgot all about it until Thursday afternoon. Christmas gets a point for the nail-biting suspense – I’ll get a point if the presents make it in time.
Speaking of Christmas (don’t you love my segue?), Great Gran and I received our Alabama Ornament Swap packages last week!

Taken with the iPhone. In low light. It gets dark so early this time of year.
Great Gran’s contained some very thoughtful sugar-free candy (she has Diabetes*), ornament candles, a little notepad and the cutest itty bitty sweater ornament from Wendy! She really loves the sweater and its itty bitty hanger. Great Gran says that she hopes her swap recipient enjoyed opening her package half as much.
As for me, I couldn’t be more tickled with my package from Suzanne!

Candles and notepads and candy OH MY!
Let me draw your attention to the nest in the lower portion of the picture – I can’t be the only person who has never heard of this. There is a German legend that says that all the birds in the world started singing at one time on Christmas night when Jesus was born. Because of this, finding a bird’s nest in your Christmas tree is considered lucky (although probably not for the bird). The nest signifies health, wealth and happiness for your household in the new year! Since very few people actually go into the woods and cut down their own trees any more, nests in Christmas trees are few and far between. Suzanne has thoughtfully provided me with a felty nest complete with eggs and feathers! How cool is that? I hope I’ve got it high enough up so that William Henry won’t notice it.
Speaking of William Henry (I am getting good at this segue stuff), his love of the Christmas Tree has led to an Unfortunate Situation. One of the branches is now bent at a decidedly downward angle. Betty is appalled.

I have fabric that I am using as a tree skirt, but it has a disturbing tendency to travel around the room. I wonder what causes that.
Michael says he can fix it with pliers – it’s bent far beyond what bare hands can unbend. What a pain.
Speaking of Pain (I am SO good at this!) I figured out a few days ago that if I make one CounterPain Square a day until New Year’s Eve, I will complete my 2007 CounterPain Goal of 52 Squares sans Insane Deadline Knitting. I missed yesterday’s Square. Or maybe I made yesterday’s this morning and I haven’t made today’s yet. Either way, there are only 10 more to go in 2007!
William Henry – 2 Emily – 6 Christmas – 5
*Michael insists that I add this link.