Before the confetti stopped falling on Times Square (and an hour before Alabama New Year), I finished the last six squares of my goal of 52 for 2007.

I can’t be bothered to straighten them out.
I’m actually halfway through the Overall Total of CounterPain Squares with 70 more to go. Then there is the edging of course…I figure there is at least three more years to this project. My attention has now shifted to my next knitting dilemma: Is it possible to knit three quarters of a pair of socks in just four days? I guess we’ll find out on Friday.
Since the New Year is only an hour away (15 minutes by the time I click the “publish” button), it’s time to total the final points in my War on Christmas. I get a point for a successful Christmas Dinner the Third (the one that was my responsibility). Christmas gets a point because there were four Christmas Dinners to begin with. Seriously, I thought this holiday would never end – and I can’t tell if Great Gran is kidding when she says we’re going to have another Christmas Dinner when Uncle Bruce and Aunt Patti get back in town (they missed the other four). I also get a point for finding the Perfect Christmas Gift for Great Gran (and then coercing Mom, Dad, my Darling Sister and her Honey into helping with it). The Jitterbug is made of awesome. If I had designed a cell phone just for Great Gran, it wouldn’t be nearly as brilliant as this one. I don’t say that very often. The best part is that she loves it. She has called everyone – including me from the next room.
The final point tally:
William Henry – 2 Emily – 10 Christmas – 8
Do you know what that means? I won Christmas! I can’t even believe it. I knew 2007 would be a good year. I’ll let you know how 2008 goes – a lot depends on my ability to knit three quarters of a pair of socks by Friday.
Happy New Year!
Congratulations on finishing the squares! Happy New Year!
Good job on the squares! You’re amazing, and disciplined! Happy New Year!
Glad you beat Christmas! Congrats on the squares, and the socks? Totally doable 🙂
Congrats all around! And Happy New Year!
Hooray for you! Good luck with those socks and Happy New Year!
Yeah! You Win! Happy New Year! I’m sure you can beat those socks too. 😉
Happy New Year Em! I’m so glad Gran likes her new toy and that you won Christmas! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations on your victory! I have no doubt you’ll ride high on the momentum of your success and finish that 3/4 pair of socks with time to spare.
You beat Christmas! You’re my new hero. Or heroine (is that still politically correct?). Good luck on those socks!
Yay for beating Christmas! Happy New Year to you and yours.
Congrats on beating Christmas! If you can beat Christmas and knit 52 squares, then you can finish those socks. Happy New Year!
I have a friend who took a photo of her daughter every day of the first year of her life. She made a photo CD of the 365 photos as first birthday party favors. She also had them running on her computer during the party. It was so cool to see how much her daughter had changed over the year. I’ve always wished I’d done that. I took/take tons of pictures of my kids, but I know I don’t have one from every day. Since Mini-Miracle is due in February (I think. Going completely on memory here and may be wrong), he/she could be the subject of many of Michael’s photos.
Happy New Year! Yes, it IS possible to knit 3/4 of a pair of socks in that short of time 🙂 I know you can do it!
Congratulations on winning Christmas. Here’s to a great New Year!
Happy new year to you too!