
Dear Jerkface Spammer,
Dude, borrowing my domain name so that you can spam bajillions of email accounts is seriously uncool. That I received thousands (and I mean that literally: the total peaked at over 7000) of “delivery status – failed” messages in my in-box makes me want to hunt you down and hurt your feelings.
yarnmiracle (you know the one)

PS If any one real sent me an email that needed a response and you haven’t heard back from me, it was probably lost in the Giant Delete. Would you please try again?
PPS My CounterPain Goal for 2008 is 24 squares (shown in green on the status indicator in the side bar). I think two for each month is reasonable.

14 thoughts on “Goal

  1. Carla

    this happened to me last year.. it was NOT fun.
    not only the mass delete and mail errors, but I started to get NASTY emails from people who received junk mail from my domain!

    The best way to fix, at least temporarily, is to go into your server’s mail settings and turn off the “catch all”. The catch all allows you to receive mail if someone sends mail to you but misspells your name. Just turn it off for a while.
    now that the spammer used it, they will try to use it again. Worse your domain may end up banned from some servers.

  2. Emily

    Jerkface is just the word I would use for someone who did that!
    Oh, and commenting on your last post– I love those kitties!

  3. Marisol

    Thats CRAZY! For once I feel pretty good about not having my own domain and taking the easy way typepad:) I don’t think they can do this on the blog engines right?

  4. Donna

    That’s terrible – sorry to hear this happened to you. Btw you are amazing with your knitting productivity this past Christmas. I am interested in knowing which counterpane pattern you used. I have seen a few and like yours the best.

  5. Dorothy

    Ugh. Spammers really suck!

    You are doing awesome with the little things and the counterpane squares.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for the link to the Small Batch baking. I was just lamenting on having to find someone to eat all the things I’d love to make but more than likely won’t eat it all.

  6. katie

    That stinks! I was somehow involved in something like that once. I kept getting delivery status failed messages, but I hasn’t sent emails to those addresses. But I don’t have my own domain. So I don’t know exactly what caused it. It was annoying, though!

  7. Sydney

    Oh that happened to me once. It is totally not fun! I’m afraid I used worse words than jerkface for the spammer. I actually ended up closing my email account for a couple of days.

    I love the snuggly baby hat!

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