Cyndie in CA
Joyce in NY
Monica in TX
Your Team Captains want to hear from you! Please log in and post to the forum, email them directly or comment on this post and I will get you in touch with them.
If anyone else has not been in touch with their Team Captain or Teammates either through email or in the Dish Rag Tag forums (available when you log in), please check in with them as soon as possible! The race has started! You need to know your teams strategy and your Captains will sleep better at night knowing you are ready to knit and help your team peruse the elusive Dish Rag Tag Glory.
If there are participants still unaccounted for by Friday, August 22, I have to assume that you no longer want to play and find an alternate to take your place. Not as a punishment or anything, but because you team deserves a fair shake at Glory. I don’t want to do that to anyone, so y’all make with the emails, comments and forum posts!