Hat Trick

I’ve been knitting! It’s a shame that the recipient doesn’t like hats.


She can get it off faster than I can grab the camera.


I had to call in the reserves.


And we still couldn’t get her to leave it on her head.


It’s Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino and everything. (Thanks again, Judi!)


Well, at least I know it fits.


Maybe she will like her sweater.

25 thoughts on “Hat Trick

  1. KaKi

    OMG! I love those photos!! My daughter was the same way. No hats and the yarn has to “feel” a certain way. What way you ask? I have NO idea! But she definitely knows. SHe is 13 now and oh my……

  2. thursday

    Do any babies really like to wear hats?? My little guy HAS to wear one outside (especially when it’s only 30 degrees!), but he usually cries when I try to put them on. Of course, he isn’t quite coordinated enough to remove them just yet. Soon… he’s already pulling the sucky out of his mouth on a regular basis!

  3. kathy b

    Oh she is adorable adorable adorable. I love the MOM why are you doing this to me, look. The hat is perfectly pink and adorable too. Al would wear hats and headbands. I don’t know why. Im grateful she did. I LOVE babies in bonnets!

    Al still loves to wear hats! I got married in a hat. She wants to too!

  4. Becky Freeland

    Hi there! Sorry to be AWOL so long. The hat pictures are SOOO cute! Maybe she will grow out of hating hats. Sweaters will be at least a little harder for her to pluck off her body at a moments notice though! (grin)

    Glad to see everyone is doing well.

    Happy Thanksgiving a bit early my friend!

  5. StitchingNut

    Oh what a face … but she knows what she doesn’t like. You’re lucky she keeps socks on her feet. But try taking a picture of her outdoors with the hat on. She may not take it off so quickly in the cold weather.

  6. House of 9 Live

    Never has the “Mad Hatter” been so adorable!!

    I don’t much at all about kids, but have you shown her a mirror as you put the hat on? Would that make a difference?

  7. Anonymous

    LOLOL! She looks like the guy in Fat Albert in that last pic (except everything except the hat over the eyes is a lot different). She is so cute. And, I know that sweater! Are you going to try to find ribbon? I skipped it–it was much easier just to leave it as-is.

  8. Teyani

    oh Em – those pics are fabulous.
    and yes, she still looks like a little baby (grins.. the halloween photos made her look too grown up!) thanks for the Ellie fix –
    love the hat!

  9. Teresa C

    I love this post! That baby is too cute to model knitwear, nobody will see it for her adorableness. You people with babies need to learn that lesson or start having ugly babies.

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