It’s That Time Again

I managed to get a picture of the two CounterPain Squares and a pie Mom made. Then I left the camera and the two squares on her baker’s cabinet and came back to Alabama. I know you will all sleep easier knowing that the camera case made it home safe and sound. (I am awarding Christmas a point for this since it was such a tricky stunt.)

I made two and a half more squares after the picture was taken which puts me half a square away from this year’s goal of twenty-four. I was sort of thinking – and maybe y’all can help me out – but if I make six more before January, there will only be forty left. If I make forty in 2009, that leaves the trim for 2010. If I make all the trim in 2010, the CounterPain is finished a year ahead of schedule. The question is: Can I make forty squares in a year with an Ellie in the house and still do other things?

I am pretty sure that I have already lost my war on Christmas. But since Christmas likes to run up the score:

Emily: 1 Christmas: 9
Christmas got a bonus point because I bought a toothbrush on Friday. I got a point because I used store credit to buy it.

6 thoughts on “It’s That Time Again


    hmmm….let’s do some math here: one mobile toddler + attempts at knitting – less hours of nap time as Ellie ages (added in with logarythmic increases every year for decreased nap time) = less and less time to do adult pursuits, includes less talking time, less reading time, less knitting time, and fewer long showers (unless you decide to give up sleeping after midnight.. hahahah)

    Alas, no, my dear friend, it is time to accept that your time to yourself is now going to be “moment interuptus” until Ellie goes to pre-school. 😉 Pretty much everything will now be done in 10-15 minute increments. (with brief interruptions)

    I miss those years!

  2. KT

    Well, 40 in a year is certainly ambitious. I just jumped on the crazy wagon- 12 adult sweaters in 12 months. The only way that I can do this is a little miracle I call 5 day a week, full time school! (2nd grade and kindergarten- if you can believe that)

  3. Sydney

    Well I assume Ellie will be getting more mobile next year, so you may be spending a lot of time chasing her. Yeah, I think this is Ellie’s decision. 😉 You know, she gets cuter every day.

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