How’s it going Dish Rag Taggers?
Those status bars are moving forward, but no one has pulled ahead of the pack. It’s still anybody’s race!
Tell us in the comments if you had the box this week! Do you have any tips for the other racers? Have a blog post you’d like to share? How’s the pattern?
Inquiring Emilys want to know.
oh, and Emily, what a nice clean sink!
I just had the box yesterday for my team. It was a very fast knit, I finished my dish cloth in 2 hours. I mailed out the box this morning to the next person on my team. This was my first time to knit a dish cloth & the first time to participate in the race. Lots of fun!
I had the box for my team! Cable4infront. It came at 4pm yesterday and I got it in the mail today. The pattern was fun and I kind of wished that I could have kept the cloth I knitted!
I will make a suggestion. The person that I was sending to didn’t want to share any information with the team. No blog name, no rav name, nothing. It makes it VERY hard to shop for a person that won’t even give you an idea of the colors she likes! My suggestion is to make sharing your rav or blog name mandatory. Really helps getting to know someone likes and dislikes. If you can’t share that info, then why are you involved in a swap?
I had the box on Monday for my team, Five Alarm Fire (weeeehooo, wheeeehoooo, look out for the fire!). It was soooo exciting!! It took me 2 hours to knit, which includes a quick rip back for a mistake. I packed up and drove in to the late-night post office (about a 30 min drive) and put that baby on a plane that night! I required a sticky note, pencil and large glass of sweet tea to complete my leg of the race. I suggest take-out or quick meal of some sort…DH cooked the bacon for BLT and avocado sandwiches.
As for Jenn’s suggestion: for those with a small rav presence (like me) and no blog, a thread could be started in your team forum to discuss what goodies others have enjoyed receiving in the past.
Emily…thanks for hosting. It’s been fun!
Someone did start one for our team, but received no replies. What’s a person to do?? Oh well. We’re having fun.
I’m way at the end for my team, so no box for a while yet for me!
Well, Jenn, your suggestion would knock me out…I don’t rav (don’t even know what that is) and I don’t blog (math geek here, don’t care much for words)…I suggest you buy or better yet make something that you would like and send it on..I am sure they will love it no matter what it is.
The information required for the success of the race is a working email address and a mailing address that you are willing to share with me and one other person (two if there is Drama). Beyond that, everything on the profile is optional on purpose.
Some people just don’t have a big web presence. And some people need to maintain a Secret Identity for crime fighting purposes. As long as everyone is communicating adequately with their team mates and no one makes off with a box, it’s OK. And while it is a lot of fun to really get to know your teammates and make new friends, maintaining anonymity isn’t as big of a deal here as it is for a Secret Pal.
For treat ideas…
We’re all knitters: every one of us could use another pair of scissors.
The X-Treme Rag Taggers had a delay when one team member had a family emergency and had to leave town while the box was in transit to her. For a while we thought we might have to forfeit. Her husband saved the day and sent the box (unopened) off to the next knitter in the order. We re-ordered ourselves so we’ll pick up the missed knitter at the end. Now we have a lot of time to make up.
That must be a new dishrag ’cause it’s so colorful and pretty! Mine all look gray and worn out.
Got the box today and I love love love the pattern. Inspires me to knit another. Mine are getting a bit tired. It was a quick knit and I had every thing all ready to go. Stuffed and I do mean stuffed the items in the box and it was gone in about 3 hours. How is that for turn around. Now all I can do is sit and wait to see how the Post Office helps us out with this. I do know it will leave here today. But after that I am at a loss. This is my third year and it just gets to be more and more fun…Thanks to Emily for making this all possible…..
I was second in the mailing order for Team Cable4inFront. Billie Jo mailed the box on Wednesday last week from Michigan, but I didn’t get it in Illinois until Monday. I was on blocking pins and knitting needles for five days! It finally arrived at 12:50, and as I opened it, my 2-year-old said, “No knit! No knit!†I thought, “I’ve been waiting for this box for 5 days, kid. I’m going to knit.†I led him downstairs to make a copy of the pattern, holding my breath (and the yarn and needles) knowing that he’d want to play in Daddy’s computer room. I started knitting, in the basement, at exactly 1:00. I finished weaving in the ends at 2:46, after trying to teach my kid how to play Wii frisbee and wakeboarding and buying imaginary items from his cardboard store. (Knit, knit, knit, “Here’s my money,†knit, knit, knit, “Thank you. That’s good milk,†knit, knit, knit, “That’s good orange juice.â€â€”for 5-10 minutes) Somehow, I convinced him to go back upstairs where I knit the last ten rows and bound off. Then I fought with Click N Ship and a frozen computer for a few minutes and snuck back downstairs to retrieve the printed label. We dropped the box off at the post office at 3:35. This is my second year of DRT, and I think it’s so much fun. Double thanks to Emily for an awesome race!
That last Anonymous post was from me. 🙂 Oops.
Our team had a post office glitch when the post office of one of our team members decided that they do not ship packages with prepaid (clik n ship) postage unless they are physically brought into the post office. The team member had prepaid, put the tracking on it, and dropped it in the box outside the post office. Said post office decided to just keep the package sitting there. Finally, member went to the post office to see what was going on. Then, the package started to move. It reached the next member of our team yesterday and I believe her plan is to mail it out today. Yippee!!! We have some catching up to do, but we are back in the race.
I love the pattern; made a copy so I can knit more. I use these as wash cloths as I’m not a dish rag girl! I knit up last years pattern for my girlfriends, in yarn that matched their bathrooms,for Christmas with a bar of hand made soap. They loved it! Will probably do again with this year’s pattern and make it a tradition.
Go Dish Rag Divas!!!!!
I got my box last Saturday, bummer as my mail is dropped off usually between 1-4, thus no mailing until Monday. Love the pattern, very quick to knit, which is good for me. I’m currently on #3 for my MIL’s moving gift. Of course, these ones I keep messing up on…blog post here. http://zknitter.blogspot.com/2010/09/race-is-on.html :)Thanks Emily for hosting again! Go Doggone Dishrag Addicts!!
I had the box this week. Had a lot of fun knitting this pattern. Love the pattern!
I received the box yesterday while I was in class…opened when I got home…pizza for supper…and I knit! Great pattern Emily! I love it! It only took me about 2 hours – unfortunately – post office closed by then…so it went out this morning! This is my third year – and it is always so much fun! Thanks Emily!
Ooops…that last post was from me.
I had the box yesterday for Dishrag Divas, love the pattern and great color choice of orange for my dishrag I recived,being a TN fan. This is my first year would love to do it again.
Try meeting others knitters from your State if you can, even if they are on another team. I had a wonderful lunch with Carole from my team (Doggonne Dishrag Addicts) and her daughter, Kirsten (The DRTy Knitters). We talked about this DRT and others they had been in, since this is my first, and they gave me some great tips. After all, we all love to knit and what a perfect way to make new friends.