The second box to finish the race and earn Dish Rag Tag Glory belongs to

Five Alarm Fire (take my word for it)
Another original box finishes the race! And what a great finish too. Team Captain Donna must be thrilled! The final Five Alarm Dish Rag was knit by my across-the-bay neighbor, LaTina!

Peach, blue and point protectors! Watermelon gum made everything smell delicious.
There is also a treat for Ellie:

Shiny fishy stickers!
She will be so excited when she gets up from her nap. That is assuming that her nap happens, there is a lot of noise in there from someone who is supposed to be asleep. *mah grinds her teeth*
Congratulations, Five Alarm Fire! An excellent showing in an excellent race! Help yourselves to chocolate.
Prizes will be in the mail next week: there are two more boxes headed home!
Revenge of Dish Rag Tag Final Standings
Doggone Dishrag Addicts 10/15/2010
Five Alarm Fire 10/18/2010