Cable 4 in Fifth

This week has been packed with Dish Rag Tag Glory!

in the mail box

Cable 4 in Front!

Team Captain Billie Jo successfully guided her team to a spot in the Top Five! Congratulations to the team and a big thank you to Jessi for the treats!

something for everyone

Clearly labeled. She knows us well.

The blue and white dishcloth is Striking! Makes me want a blue and white kitchen if I ever have to start over – with enamelware for mixing bowls! And treats for Ellie! If you look closely, you can see a little round tin in my treat bag, It’s full of teetiny stitch markers. I’ll add a picture later – something must have disrupted my photo shoot.

one for each arm

“note book! me draw CLUE” (she is a Blue’s Clues fan)

One bracelet for each arm! Later, Meeow wore the bracelets as ice skates (??!??) and she had her notebook in her back pocket. In case she came across a clue.

sweet tarts

The face of Ellie eating sweet tarts.

Thank you again to Jessi (I didn’t know you had hermit crabs) and congratulations to Cable 4 in Front on a great finish!

Two more boxes are on their way to the finish line! Monday might be an exciting day.

Revenge of Dish Rag Tag Final Standings
Doggone Dishrag Addicts 10/15/2010
Five Alarm Fire 10/18/2010
Faster Than Ewe 10/19/2010
X-treme Rag Taggers 10/20/2010
Cable 4 in Front 10/23/2010

4 thoughts on “Cable 4 in Fifth

  1. Bubblesknits

    I’m so glad Ellie liked her treats. =) I tried to put things that Em is always excited to see in a treat bag. As for the hermit crabs, sadly, only one is left. One died at the hands of it’s crabby cage-mates, one from causes unknown. O.o

    Hope you enjoy your Tootsie Rolls and the stitch markers! 😀 Thanks again for another fabulous race!

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