Sit Down for This

radiating star afghan

It’s not a toy.

It’s the Radiating Star Blanket. I really need to make some progress on it to have it ready in time to be a wedding gift. This is stash yarn that I have been saving for a gift blanket. You’d be surprised at what’s in my stash.

I’m always a little surprised at what’s in my stash.

9 thoughts on “Sit Down for This

  1. Barbara

    It’s hard to find time for other knitting, isn’t it? I can think of at least 4 partly finished knitting projects that aren’t toys, which I really should get moving on. Especially now that the weather is getting cooler, and kids grow so fast, you want that sweater to fit as long as possible!

  2. joan

    shhhhhhh I keep my stash quiet that way I can always add to it. We don’t talk about how much is there…..

  3. Susan

    I love this blanket — I made one for my nephew and his wife as a wedding gift, and they still talk about it! They love that it’s round, and I love that the pattern is easy to memorize. Mine was a springy green, until I ran out; then I switched to a kind of twig brown for a round or two and the bindoff.

  4. Sharly

    The color is beautiful! I sure wish I could pick my knitting back up…maybe with the cooler weather coming, I’ll be more likely to delve into something.

    I’ve actually considered finding a good home for my stash. I feel bad that it’s not getting any love.

  5. Coralee

    That looks like a great pattern, may add that to my library also. You’re so thoughtful Emily. Marty & I will be celebrating 25th anniversary Sep 2014, does that give you time to whip up something for us??? LOL
    Have a great weekend.

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