No mail yesterday, but in the box today:

Nice tape!
The sixth place finisher in the Race for Dish Rag Tag Glory is Knit 1, Win 1! With treats from LaTina (who practically lives next door):

The dish cloth is beautiful! The clampy clippy magnet things are already on the fridge ready to hold important things, and Ellie found her stickers right away. She also took the candy. I didn’t see her name on it anywhere, but she said she did. It was hard to argue with that.
Many thanks, neighbor! And thanks to Captain Bronwyn for guiding Knit 1, Win 1 to Dish Rag Tag Glory!
The envelopes for the prizes are on my kitchen table. The chances that I will get these mailed this week look pretty good!
Dish Rag Tag V Final Standings
3x the Charm………..10/8/2011
Purls Gone Wild……10/8/2011
Eight’s Great……..10/11/2011
11th Round Knockout…10/11/2011
Knit 1, Win 1…….10/13/2011