Runaway Mine Train

You know how sometimes you have one of those days where everything just sort of gets away from you and you can’t seem to get anything done because you’re distracted or there always seems to be something not on your To Do list that needs doing?

I’ve had a couple weeks like that.

Our yarn for October’s Mindful fiber won’t arrive in time for pictures (it’s custom). I’m trying to decide if I’m going ahead with that one or scrambling to find something else. I’ll let you know next week!

Unrelated to why I can’t get anything done: Anybody been waiting to play Glitch? I’ve got some invitations.

3 thoughts on “Runaway Mine Train

  1. colleen

    I also have OLS (ohh look, shiney!) in a bad way and CONSTANTLY get distracted. Things take multiple days to complete here 😉

    If you recommend Glitch, then I wanna play please!!!

  2. eidolons

    I fell down the peg doll hole and can’t seem to find my way back out. Would you believe that I’m spending little to no time at my laptop after breakfast? It’s crazy. And.. I miss Glitch. I still don’t really *get* it. But I find myself thinking about it at the oddest moments. (:

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