I made the very first sheep with a great handspun wool that was grown by Farrah and spun by Cassie of Farm Genevieve. (Farrah is a Shetland sheep.)

Such great texture.
I would have used him for my example sheep in the pattern, if it weren’t for his dark accents. I just couldn’t get pretty pictures! The dark was my my own bad judgement (and Ellie’s), but he looks great in person (and Ellie is pleased – his name is Sheepy)!

There are eyes in there I swear.
For a pattern, it’s kind of important to actually see what is happening in the illustrations.

Such a shame. He has a natural talent for modeling.
I think he looks great! I love thinking about how we’re knitting sheep out of sheep’s wool. I know that sounds dumb, but it makes me happy.
I often see my sheep reclining and relaxing just like Sheepy. Oh my gosh…he is so darn cute! Can’t wait to knit one up.
He’s adorable! I totally agree with eidolons…this wool has gone full circle.
Adorable! So sad to have missed being a test knitter!
Now, I’ll have to wait impatiently for pattern release! LOVE the sheep! Love how he is sprawling … languishing in this heat!!!
I can’t wait for the pattern to be released. Meanwhile I’m working on R is for Rabbit. -Angela
Sheepy is the perfect name for him. AWWWW. He is a sassy kind of model!
Sheepy is adorable! And indeed the has great modeling talent!
Does Ellie show an interest in knitting?
Great project & thanks for sharing all the lovely photos! Turned out fantastic, what a keepsake treasure! 🙂