The new back pack has KITTIES.
We’ve taken a stray dog to the shelter, taken a cat to the vet, I’ve cleaned the whole house AND mopped and there’s still three hours and change before I get her back.
I may die.
Or I might finish a rooster.
One of those.
A rooster?!
We’ve spent everyone else’s first day of school loafing around the house and nursing a sick Beast. The Elf has overloaded on sugar and birthdayness over the weekend and has become quite the monster. And me? I’ve spent all my free time dyeing wool, of course. (:
She looks so grown up. I’m envious that your little one posed so nicely for her first day of school photo. Ours was not nearly so cooperative…
awww congrats on her first day at kindy! I’m sure she’s having fun. You hang in there too 🙂 My 20 year old daughter left home for the first time and flew over 5000 km away to go to university and the first few weeks were tough for me 🙂
Aw, she’s so big! I’ve had your chicken in my Ravelry queue for ages, but I’ve got enough on there to keep me knitting for a decade.
So grown up! We start Kindergarten in two weeks. How did our babies get so OLD!?! Good luck to you both! 🙂
Wow! Kindergarten already? Don’t the years just fly by at times? I feel very old. My baby is a Kindergarten teacher and actually is starting her 6th year teaching. Yipes! I spent yesterday with her helping put up bulletin boards and get the classroom ready. Hope Ellie loves school.
She looks SO HAPPY!!!!! In no time you’ll be used to this…..
it is so hard at first. I was one of the few mom’s who was HAPPY on the kindergarten first day. I just needed some space to breathe a bit. I loved my kids having their OWN day to talk about after school! They became so so interesting!
She really shot up during the summer, didn’t she? Trust the first day went well.
Oh- Em-Gee, wasn’t she just born like last year??? How did kindergarten get here? Tell her to stop already. Making me feel old…
All kindergarten teachers should be so lucky! Amazing how fast the time passes………….for both of you 🙂
How did her first day go?
Oh my goodness! Your baby sure grew up while I was away…such a pretty smile.