Daily Archives: December 5, 2017

Official Announcement

This is the official announcement of my write-in campaign for Alabama’s Senate Seat.

Write me in! I got 8 votes against Jo Bonner one of those times he was running unopposed.

Y’all, I got an A in civics, memorized the Bill of Rights in 6th grade, have a general understanding of the Constitution, and can pass a criminal background check. So I’m already way more qualified than Roy Moore and much more interested in funding education.

I’m also registered as an Independent*. So no worries about that pesky ‘D’ by my name, I haven’t got one!

On December 12, Choose Kindness. Write in Emily Ivey for Senate.

*I’ve been thinking about it and it’s possible I’m just not registered with either state-recognised party. I registered to vote in Alabama when we moved here 15ish years ago and that’s a long time to remember if you got to check the box you wanted. Either way, I don’t have a ‘D’ so no worries.

I’m Emily Ivey and I approved this message.