The Drama

Ellie’s mittens are finished.


In 2010, I might have knit half a dozen things that I didn’t sell. In 2011, I plan to knit more for my family and myself. Maybe I’ll finish that sweater I started more than three years ago.

feeling better

In 2010, Yarn Miracle bought necessary (but boring) things like new tires for the Jeep and ER glue for Ellie’s cheek. In 2011, Yarn Miracle is going to buy a new couch and chair for the den. They will have fitted slipcovers that I can replace when they show a lot of wear.


In 2010, I didn’t participate in a single swap (DRT doesn’t count). I will be a part of at least one swap in 2011. Is sock swapping still in fashion?

13 thoughts on “The Drama

  1. danielle

    We have a goal in common – couch! Do you already have one picked out? I’m curious about your pet friendly (or pet hair hating, grrrr!) choice. I was considering lots of throw blankets, but I like the idea of slip covers, too.


  2. kerry

    Oooh, good stuff in store for 2011 for you! Looking forward to seeing the projects and furniture especially. I think Miss Ellie looks so like your sister in that last shot.

  3. Renna

    How nice that your business enables you to help the family household. Ellie looks darling, as always. 🙂

    My knitting shortcoming has been that I always knit to give away, but never knit anything for msyelf to keep. This year, I’m determined to knit myself a scarf and hat!

  4. Sharly

    Hi! I sure hope all your 2011 goals are met 🙂

    The mittens are adorable and the model even cuter!!

    Happy New Year to the Ivey household!

  5. Carla (from Alabama)

    Your mitten knitting is as wonderful as your toy animal knitting! I love the way they turned out. Ellie seems to be pleased too! She is so pretty is those pictures. I like the way you chose to post them with her starting with her hands over her face and then a big smile at the end. Was she playing peek-a-boo?

  6. Kimberly Pye

    Oh, good thinking! I should make a focused effort to do a sock swap this year!

    Lovely mittens! I want to crawl inside one with some nuts and my forest friends. I would also like to find some forest friends. 😛

  7. Coralee

    The mittens look great and the acting is certainly worthy of an Oscar or an I love my Mom award!
    I’m with Kathy B, swapping of any kind is great. I did several in 2010 and enjoyed them immensely.
    Renna speaks for me too, except I’m making a sweater for my self, I started it ooohhh, well, never mind, it’s started and I intend to finish it for ME in 2011!!
    Happy Knitting to all and much production in 2011.

  8. OzKnitter

    If you find a reputable sock swap (and Aussies are eligible to participate), please let me know… I’ve been looking for one for ages. Last one I did was a one-on-one swap with a pal, so we were guaranteed of getting a pair!

  9. Iris

    Love the mittens. I should really knit a couple for the lads, but don’t seem to be able to work up the energy… Knitting has been painfully slow these past few months. I’m too hooked on my grannysquare blanket I think. Maybe once that’s finished.

    I’ve been thinking along similar lines with the swaps – haven’t participated in one for ages, so maybe that should be my new year goal!

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