We are now the proud owners of a 10’x10′ chain link fence enclosure. We’ve put the dogs in it.
More pictures here.
It’s collapsable and still Not Ideal, but better than the tiny cage or getting hit by a car. After a fair amount of investigation, we discovered that we are the dogs’ best chance. Also, the county probably thinks they belong to us since we took them to the vet and the county shelter does not take owner drop offs – hence the large numbers of abandoned animals. Genius. There is an adoption fair next Saturday so please hope and pray for us that they will find homes (I will be reminding you to hope and pray as the date approaches).
The answers to the Hurricane Sock Party Questionnaire are After the Fold. This is probably only of interest to a select group of people (that is: me and my Sock Pal), but if you are want to see my answers, just click where it says “Continue Reading Extended Entry.”
Hurricane Sock Party Questionnaire
All done with the mantra.
2. If your pet(s) wrote a paragraph about you to describe you to us what would they say?
I am glad she goes to sleep soemthime becuase otherwise there owuld be no fun here. -William Henry
3. What is your favorite hurricane supplies snack?
Besides the MREs? I always make pre-storm brownies. Always.
4. Do sock patterns normally fit you “as written”?
They fit fine when I go by the pattern. Occasionally, they fit fine when I don’t.
4a. What are your foot measurements, not just shoe size?
8.5″ for length 8.5″ around the ball of my foot
5. What one city abroad would you visit and why if money was no object?
I don’t travel that well. But I hear Australia is nice. They’ve got more sheep than people.
6. Do you wear socks all year round or just during the winter? Do you prefer them tall or short or regular height?
Because of my Geographic Situation, socks are mostly an October to April kind of thing – but that doesn’t stop me from making them all year round! I like regular to tall socks. Short ones get eaten by my shoes.
7. The last time the power was out during hurricane season did you knit by lantern or were you lucky enough to knit to the humm of a generator?
I did very little knitting during our last hurricane. I keep thinking that we don’t need a generator (we live right across the street from the hospital – our lights *should* be back on Day 1). So no knitting in the dark for me – and post-storm I am usually to busy cleaning up the yard!
8. Make a wish for your favorite sock yarn that you’ve already used once. What would it be?
I tried to pick, but I was worried about a riot in my stash. …I love all the sock yarn equally… I will say that I have WAY too much variegated yarn for a person who claims to like making fancy stitch patterns on sock legs.
9. What is it about sock knitting that keeps you wanting to knit more and more socks?
The holes in the heels.
10. Make a wish for a sock yarn that you are dying to try but haven’t bought for yourself yet.
Panda Cotton! I am hoping it’s the answer to my “Where are all the cotton sock yarns that aren’t Fixation?” question.
11. What size needles do you knit socks for YOURSELF with the most?
Size 1 circular needles (addi turbos). But don’t let that keep you from doing what you like! I am really very versatile.
12. If you could only take 3 yarn related books and one previously knitted project that you love with you when you evacuated what would they be?
I would take both cardigans and leave the books behind.
13. What knitting notion do you wish you had that you just keep putting off getting for yourself?
I thought of something just the other day and now I can’t remember it. Which makes me sad because it was a good thing!
14. What is your favorite tv show?
Heros, Monk and Psych are all on the list. TiVo has been getting a bunch of episodes of The Prisoner, which I would never call my favorite show, but it certainly has been interesting. Be seeing you!
15. Do you want a lacey sock or a “solid fabric” sock from your hurricane partner?
Either one delights me!
16. It’s midnight and the power has been off for two days, its hot, and you have a craving for something sweet! What would it be?
Popsicle. Which is of course, impossible.
17. Tell us a story about any of your hurricane weather related experiences.
Read my archives from any summer month of 2004 and 2005. I covered the whole thing pretty well.
19. What color sock would you like to recieve from your sock partner?
I have flipped a coin (heads for warm, tails for cool). And I have come up with cool colors! But I really don’t have a color preference, so if you want to make me a pair of pink socks I will love them and you shouldn’t let the coin toss stop you! My only real preference is machine washable. I have hit my handwash sock limit. If this means I never get Koigu socks, I can live with that.
Thanks for being my sock pal! Make a sock that you enjoy working on so that we will both enjoy the party!
Hope the doggies find a good home.
I hope they find a home. Put cute bandanas on them or something. Make them stand out….maybe a hand knit scarf?? LOL ! 🙂
That was fun to read (your questionnaire)! I have heard Koigu machine washes just fine…but I’m never gonna be the one to test out that theory.
I’ll be hoping and praying for the dogs. And you. =)
I too have heard that Koigu machine washes well. A LYS employee once told me that Koigu purchases their yarn from the same farm/distributor as the machine washable Louet sock yarn. Some day I will test out the Koigu and let you know. Just don’t machine dry the socks (which I never do anyway).
Um, I wash my Koigu socks in the machine all the time…cold water, woolite, gentle or soak cycle, then hang them on my drying rack. It’s how I wash all my socks. Yes, they do fuzz a bit but I figure sheep are still around, spinners are still spinning and LYS are still selling sock yarn, so what’s a little fuzz?
You are one wonderful woman. Good luck finding a home for the dogs. I am sure it is a bit stressful at your house now. All the best.
I sure hope those puppies find homes. They’re so cute!
I have quite a bit of Carolyn Greenwood’s cotton lycra sock yarn left over from a yarn buying frenzy from last year. It knits up really nice and is perfect for warm climate summer sock wearing. I’d totally be willing to swap if you are. Send me an email if you’re interested and I’ll send some photos over.
I’ll definitely be praying for the puppies, in the hope that they will find good homes soon. I think you’re wonderful, though, for taking such excellent care of them in the meantime.
I second the comments of making the animals stand out! Bandanas, colourfull stuff, or maybe a free (fleece-)blankie? I hope that they will find a really good home.. Poor little animals.
Hope the dogs find a good home, it’s a wonderful thing you’ve done. Could you get your local paper to run a ‘new owners needed’ story?
We’ll have a dalmatian plantation where our population can roll….
Surely your sock pal will not think it is too much for you to ask them to overnight you a popsicle on dry ice?!!!
I really hope you are able to find nice homes for the dogs! They are cuties!
I wanted to say also that your counter panes looks beautiful so far. You are making good progress I think. I am behind in blog reading, so I have a *bunch* of posts to catch up on!
Oh that is so wonderful of you to take care of those doggies…